Worship with Us
On Sunday morning worship is held between 10:00 a.m and 11:00 a.m. Dress is casual. When you walk through the front door; you will be greeted by one of our elders. Children participate in every service through singing and stories, followed by Sunday school with our energetic adult volunteers. However, children and babies are welcome to stay with their families for the entire service if they prefer. There is no need to worry about squirming toddlers or noisy babies here. Everyone is welcome to participate in their own way!
Trafalgar is well know for it fabulous music. It is as diverse as the congregation and includes hymns, global songs, Taize prayers, contemporary and folk music, African American spirituals, jazz and traditional. Worship each week is accompanied by a variety of musicians and includes not only piano and guitar, but a wide range of instruments. An excellent choir make beautiful music and leads congregational singing. New singers and musicians of all ages and skill levels are always welcome, you can email or drop by the church on a Sunday morning to learn more.
Throughout the year there are also special services on other days and times. Ash Wednesday is at the beginning of Lent and includes the imposition of ashes. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services are held during Holy Week, just before Easter. Trafalgar hosts an annual Blue Christmas service on or around the longest night of the year. This worship service offers a quiet and gentle space to those struggling in the holiday season. And of course, Christmas Eve service is wonderful with a special energetic time for children and family with candlelight and carols.
Communion is celebrated on the first week of almost every month in an all-ages services. Everyone is welcome to participate. Children are always welcome to come to the Table if they wish, with the guidance of their parent or other adult. Baptism for infants, children, youth and adults is celebrated on Sundays as scheduled by the minister and elders.
After worship everyone is invited for coffee, tea, juice and snacks in the main hall. This is a casual opportunity to meet the minister and other members of the church and you can be sure that the space is welcoming.
You are invited to share in this community. Sunday worship is our central activity, and we are fully air conditioned and wheelchair accessible. Ushers are available to help you with any special needs. We look forward to the opportunity to welcome you!